It's About Time....

I've been following this blog from the beginning; granted, the early posts are a little hazy. Every day, I've looked forward to reading what Nathan has had to say, and to tell the truth, I have really been quite impressed by his ability to express the deeper meanings of all that has transpired over the past month. I've felt that I really couldn't say it better myself, so I have been happy to step back and enjoy reading. It really has been a blessing to us both, and we hope that by sharing our experiences, we will in some way bless others as well. That being said.....In response to the latest post entitled "Keys" I feel I must interject some items that need some clarification and in some ways, correction. (This is what wives do best. I have Nathan's permission. I tried to get him to change his post, but he said if I had something to say, I had to say it myself. He really asked for it. :0))
When we were at the Surgeon's office trying to decide when to set a surgery date, we went back and forth, whether to schedule it for the following Tuesday, or two Tuesdays from that date. We did talk about spending time with the kids and getting the house in order, but the clincher was really the fact that our 11th Anniversary was on Dec. 4th. Nathan had planned an overnight stay in Salt Lake, with dinner and tickets to the production of "Savior of the World." I decided that the surgery would have to wait. I must admit, I did question that decision afterwards. I thought, "Is this wise? If the doctors are that anxious to get me treated, should I really wait this long?" Hindsight really is 20/20. I am so grateful for that decision. During that extra week, I had the opportunity to not only spend time with my sweet children, but I got to celebrate the anniversary of the best, most important day of my life, with the best most important person in my life.
Don't believe him when he says that all he is, is the bread winner, and that all he does is bring in the cash and pick up after himself every once in a while. For the past 11 years he has been my "voice of reason", my closest confidante,and my best friend. He continues to surprise me with the wonderful gifts he has and continues to teach me, by example, the way to serve and to love. I look forward to spending an eternity with him, and I hope I can do more to pay him than with an occasional meal and a smile.
An eternity is made up of lots and lots of moments, days, and weeks. I'm excited for the time I have been given to show those I care about, that I love them. It really only takes a moment.

Do it now.....while you still have time.




  1. Note: I noted that we had been wedded for 11 good years. I wasn't trying to pull wool over any ones eyes. Just so you know.
    Though I am indeed grateful for our anniversary get away. It was planned well in advance of the diagnosis but ended up being perfect timing based on what was going on in that crucial period of life.
    Also, if any of you have not seen the production of 'Savior of the World' down at the Conference Center Theatre - get tickets. It is well worth it.


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